Welcome! Thanks for Your Interest in this Metaphysical Work & Me as the Conduit for It. I Hope this Answers Your Most Important Questions & Helps You Get to Know Who You'd Be Working With. Click The Shoppe to Browse Online or Email Sue Ann to Deal Directly with Me Anytime. ~SA~

I leaped into doing Intuitive, Psychic Medium & Animal Communication Work for the public in 1996, happily booting a traditional business career, life & fancy university degree in the process. (Who knew this was coming?) Weeks later, natural abilities for easily seeing & working with Metaphysical Energies (yep, they exist too!) unexpectedly revealed themselves during a casual phone conversation. The person was on the verge of catching the flu & talking about it. I suddenly saw Energies associated with it in my mind's eye. Sensing what to do, I offered to help. With a "H@##, Yes!" response to my offer (chuckle) then real time time feedback, I quickly realized this was another "thing" I was definitely meant to have & use. I am Grateful for all these abilities which profoundly enhance my life.
Givin' My Old Life The Boot.....!
My early life did not include these sorts of things, having grown up in small-town Texas circa 1960s-1970s. Retrospectively, however, there were clues indicating my natural metaphysical attunement. It just went largely unnoticed or misunderstood. Longing for some "real answers" a personal Spiritual Quest ensued around age 31 & began to bring me life-altering understanding. I had a fire in me to change my life for the better & I didn't mind doing the work to get it done. This included highly developing & trusting my own Intuition so I could take care of myself much better & more succinctly. (Relief!) Yet, I had no clue (really!) that I was Destined to help others the same ways I was helping myself. Along the way, Spirit made it clear I was meant to be highly self-reliant & unencumbered by others' understanding, abilities & approaches... having me give away every metaphysical book I bought. Most by famous authors & almost all completely unread, as Spirit would promptly stop me!
Finally, First Horse around age 10 ;-)
I view being largely & continually self-taught as one of my greatest assets. All I learn & refine for myself daily is intrinsically applied to client work. Immense, ongoing help from The Pure Light Spirit Realm (my teachers!) as well as my experiences over the long haul are integral to the work that comes through me.... I've been at this a while, y'all! My determination to deliver world-class level, bespoke help comes through, I think. The work tends to flow efficiently, with a unique thoroughness & intriguing sense of continuity. I trust it, run with it as presented & know there is always a higher purpose to exactly how it's guided along. Being solution oriented & operating within a spiritual framework of "Purest Love & Light" only, my purpose is to serve The Highest Good. I stay in the flow of Divine Guidance, Intuition, etc. & often find the intricate orchestration of sessions to be fascinating & sometimes humorous! I proudly retain long-term clients emphasizing top quality work & well cared for client relationships. Quantity of clients has never been my focus. I do my part & Spirit brings the clients meant for me. Confidentiality is a given whether you are a well known person of any sort or not. Period. I care about how much I can help improve my client's lives. I work with people & all animals, as well as, people & animals together... plus bring through messages from passed on beloveds (people & animals,) channel Spirit Guides & Angels, clean & uplift energies for clients personally, as well as, their physical spaces. I've successfully worked with Competitive English & Western Equine Clients, Beloved Pasture Pals, Dogs, Cats, Birds & more.... I've worked with all sorts of People for all sorts of reasons.... cleared out unhelpful Spirits from homes & more.... The breadth & depth of this work goes on & it's accomplished in a multitude of ways.... It works however it needs to in order to be accomplished accurately, efficiently & well! Oftentimes a blast to do, I am Honored to have this be a key part of my life.
Happy Clients Ann & Ziggy the Bird!
Intuitively selected high vibrational crystals, jewelry & sundries were added in 2017 after Spirit got my attention with an unexpected opportunity & path. All those years of having Crystals & benefiting from their Energies is now serving its Higher Purpose! View Crystals & Sundries by Collection or view "The Whole Enchilada" at once.
Cool Happy Combo Available in The Shoppe.....
In 2019 Spirit guided me into Spiritual Nuggets & Musings Blog for sharing uplifting Spirit Information & my years of personal knowledge. Then they guided me to expand it to include a Podcast, spur of the moment, January 2021..... Some Double Good Stuff!

I established my business in 1996, helping others by phone & launched this particular site in 2015. I gratefully live near Weatherford, Texas & predominantly serve clients across the U.S.A. plus Canada. In addition to working with Clients from New York to Hawai'i & Canada, literally, I've worked with folks in England, Ireland, New Zealand & Sweden, throughout the years. If you are outside the U.S.A. or Canada, you may find it easy to purchase services (not physical items) without a hitch online. Currency conversions displayed for your convenience are USD, CAD, AUD, NZD & GBP. If we need to explore handling an appointment via Zoom, etc. we can. Please note this website is only set up for shipping to the U.S.A. 50 States & Canada, at this time. Contact me for other options regarding purchasing or shipping if interested & needed.
Please note I'm only fluent in English..... albeit Texas English, Y'All ;-)
My "Over The Moon Happy Assurances" Grant a Pronto Fix, If Needed!

I live on the land with beloved animals & meditate daily. Spirit often appears as bright orbs, sparks & streaks for me even in broad daylight, yep! I believe in a sense of humor, maintaining perspective, the Magical presence of Spirit & Divine Miracles & "doing the personal work" as a continual process. Another passion of mine, besides this work, is competing as a NCHA Non Pro / Amateur.
I profoundly appreciate the Immense Spirit Help all around me, my life & work, all the time..... You can cultivate it, too!!
Question, comment, want to introduce yourself? Click Email Sue Ann to get in touch.
Please enjoy yourself while here! ~SA~