Updated April 4, 2017

I've become acquainted with these crystals & know they just have their own thing going on. They produce their own sort of High Vibrational Frequency & tend to have their own distinct looks as well. No surprise, given their birth place. Their Rock Matrix is even gorgeous, with colors ranging from beautiful burgundy browns to pinkish tan to nearly white to deep green & more. Brandbergs have quickly ended up in my top 5 "Crystal Must Haves."
These super special guys contain mixtures of Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Clear Quartz & all their Energies. Magic! Clear Quartz will enhance & magnify anything it's put with + promote clarity & so much more. It's one of the Important Basic Stones to have. Smokey Quartz tends to ground, protect you, your "Basic Self" & all business dynamics. Plus, I think it can help one "Sense The Unseen or Hidden" to better navigate potential pitfalls. Amethyst typically emanates Healing, Cleansing, Calm, Knowing, Creative & Spiritual High Vibrational Energies. Brandbergs do all of this with Extra Magical, Mystical, Super Ancient Knowing & Healing Twists in my opinion! I adore any surrounding Matrix Stone of its origins for its own vibes. There are times I even depend on its special energies for major help. I often meditate with 2 Brandberg Smokey Amethysts containing plenty of Matrix that "feels important" to have in my hands. The Sacred Mountains also yield Aquamarine, Garnet & other Crystal Stones, too.
In my experience, each Brandberg Crystal is a stone of "Real Purpose" energetically intent on seeking a particular person. It seems they profoundly choose you. More than you may have experienced before. I think this adds Big Energies of Loyalty & Sense of Honor to them. Like an Ancient, Wise Shaman who will guide & watch out for you nor let you down. Want to attract more of those energies into your life? Start working with a "hefty Brandberg," I'm hearing Intuitively, do your own work & watch it come. Getting to know them continues to be quite a Journey. I found myself just drawn in to stand over the 1st big shipment of them that I had. I felt I had to just "BE" with them. I also felt very protective over them. I began realizing this was a mutual, give & take energy going on between us. They were "Watching Over & Protecting" me much more than I was them. The more I connect, the more I feel their Energies as Grounded in some sort of Deep Timeless Spiritual Knowing, seemingly Steadfast & Patient. They have their own type of personality about them & reveal themselves to their person in their own time frame, not yours! So you may need to just let 'em help you right off the bat & "get to know them" later. They're uplifting with a Sense of Humor, once you get to know 'em better & they know they've got you going along your Intended Sacred Path :-) Whether you notice it or not, they diligently work in the background for Your Highest Good at all times.
I also understand they want to "go for the Deep Healing, Deep Cleansing" going "ALL the way back!" so you can be "Really Well & Truly Happy!" The Spirit of these Crystal Wonders want us all to be Spiritually Grounded & Supremely Happy. I sense this process can include cleansing more than 1 lifetime at a time in a big Energy Dynamic "Spanning the Ages" they're telling me just now! Wow & whew. Lastly, I've noticed these crystals have a propensity for images of faces, figures, etc. on them representing some sort of Light Spirit or Specific Energy that comes along to help you. These crystals are fascinating & one of my personal all-time favorites. I'm grateful they're taking me along on their great ride!
Anyone wanting to further themselves & their True Spiritual Journey, will become hooked on these Crystal Compadres. Dive in with an open mind. There are Brandbergs hanging out with me waiting to "connect & get to work!" If you want to connect with your Unique Brandberg, click Email Sue Ann. If any of your special Brandbergs are in my grouping or available via special order, I will figure it out & match you up! When I connect Intuitively with this geographical area, I sense Cool Mystical & Deeply Spiritual Vibes. It got my attention immediately. Brandbergs want to gift these special energies to their people. I say, Woo Hoo & Thank You! ~SA~