ArchAngel Muriel plus Energy Infused Meditation & Picture

Last Updated 11/1/2023
Originally Posted 6/10/2022
ArchAngel Muriel is fabulous to know & call upon! She is considered to be particularly designated for Empaths, Intuition, Home & Family, Plants, Animals, "Moon Folks" (Astological Sun Sign Cancer) & quite particularly keen on helping those willing to help themselves. I've included some new things here... The post picture is highly infused with AA Muriel's Lovely Energies plus a Meditation Video which is also AA Muriel connected. Gifts to use!
Last year, 2021, was a "5" year in numerology (2+0+2+1=5) which tends to embody changes (unexpected ones in my experience) & movement. This isn't bad at all, but I know it was intense for many of us... I wonder what it would have been like IF I had already known AA Muriel then! This year, 2022, is a "6" year (2+0+2+2=6) & AA Muriel happens to resonate with the number 6, among other things... So, anytime 6 or multiple 6 Energies are around you, it may be a sign to seek connection with AA Muriel. It has been for me.
Here are some things considered common knowledge that I resonate with
plus what I have learned first hand, refined Intuitively or channeled:
Muriel Resonates with 6
ArchAngel for Month of June
Angel for Moon Folks / Cancerians
Energies I've Seen with Her... "Fluffy" Pink & White
Associated with Intuition
Nurturing & Compassionate
Call On Her for Peace & Harmony
Helps Empaths & Extra Sensitive Ones
Great for "Calm Knowing & Peaceful Balance"
Good for Heart Centeredness / Coming from Your Heart
Helps People, Plants & Animals
Associated with Flowers & Myrrh
Her Name Means "Perfume of God"
May Give Messages Using Real or Intuitive Scents
Helps with Having Beautiful "Family" & "Home"
Great to Call On for Emotionally Charged Situations
Associated with Lilac to Pink to Rosey to Deep Garnet Hues
& Generally Syncs with Similarly Colored Crystals
Also Represented by Pearl Type Hues & Mother of Pearl
Try Working with AA Muriel, AA BARACHIEL & AA Uriel Together!
I initially experienced Muriel's energies as very soft & "Fluffy" ...I had a distinct Intuitive Image of soft pink, cotton candy looking energies in front of me. She's nurturing yet can be truly supportive of those "Brave enough to operate with Heart, Loyal to The Highest Good... She will staunchly support you in Kind Ways back..." Additionally, "If you've not been appreciated for these efforts, she will help steer you around those who intend to harm your efforts." The more you help yourself, the more compelled she may be to help you. MURIEL OFTEN MATCHES YOU at YOUR OWN LEVEL of FEARLESSNESS... IF SHE HAS TO HELP BRING IN CALM to HELP FIRST, SHE CAN. THEN BE READY TO LISTEN & ACT ACCORDINGLY.
I find Muriel can be comforting & soothing to start. Then one that very quietly observes to see exactly what you need. Then, she may come in with "much more muscle" to help you. To me, she comes across very understated & may communicate in a quiet, bottom line, almost quick & subliminal way. She is not shy when needed & may help summon you up to your next level self. She may even bring in "extra strength" help when she knows you've done more than enough, when it's time to end something unworthy & "past its time." I'm also learning to specifically ask AA Muriel... "What can I do this moment to make it better?" She may reply immediately with a few words, an image or an idea as she has done for me.
"Empowered & Stately Grace" just came to mind as descriptor for her!
The post picture above, plus a 6 minute 6 second meditation video below, are highly infused with Muriel's Special Energies which have been Refreshed & Enhanced on 11/1/2023. The energies will adjust to everyone's needs upon viewing or listening each time. Listen to the meditation with headphones & proper attention... Or play it while doing other things to receive help / good vibes on the fly. Tip: When starting the meditation, I usually watch the beginning & consciously breathe in & out with the pulsation of the image before closing my eyes. It sets me up best for the meditation.
Right click & download the picture, if you like. Enjoy the meditation here or on YouTube. My voice over is soft spoken & sparse on purpose. I wanted Muriel to shine through. Some parts are lower volume, but you will hear it subconsciously & take it in. Here's a Transcript of the Meditation, which was Intuitively Guided:
Stay in Heart ~ Out of Head
Receive...... All You Should......
~ BE ~
Let Muriel Work WITH YOU...
Ask Muriel, "What can I do this moment to make things better?"
Sincerely Give Thanks......
Sit with Things As Long As You Like ~ Thank You!! ~
Receive...... All You Should......
~ BE ~
Let Muriel Work WITH YOU...
Ask Muriel, "What can I do this moment to make things better?"
Sincerely Give Thanks......
Sit with Things As Long As You Like ~ Thank You!! ~
I didn't feel ready to create my 1st meditation, but Spirit said "Yes, now!" So I did it quickly as guided... with all its imperfections! I've had some wonderful experiences with it & I hope you do, too! Originally, multiple Layers of energies were put into it over several days. At first I stood back & let Muriel work with it, then I put energy work into it plus infused it with the energies of a special Myrrh & Frankincense, Palo Santo, my favorite smudge, Rose Quartz, an Angel Wing Shaped Pink Shell piece with Mother of Pearl on the inside (which turned into a Gracefully Protective outer shell of energy!!), Selenite, wonderful Llanite from Texas, High Vibe Himalayan Quartz from Tibet & India, Angel Aura Quartz plus a sort of rare Petrified Wood from the Mojave Desert with unique healing vibrations. At one point, Muriel came in & worked simultaneously with me! Other cool things happened, but I want to leave plenty of room for your personal experiences.
When wanting to work with Muriel, if you don't sense anything after you've given it some decent effort, politely ask, "What can I do this moment to make things better?" You might be surprised by what happens. It may be quick or subtle, so pay attention & say your thanks! Enjoy!!
Music Credit: Mystic Dawn - The Awakening
By Christopher Lloyd Clarke @
Licensed by Enlightened Audio
Spirit Guided Me to Add This Shoppe Item, Too!
Himalayan Quartz "Heart" with Pink Tint & ArchAngel Muriel Energies $60
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Information & Gratis Meditation
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