Do You Know Loving ArchAngel Barachiel?!

Spirit often guides me down interesting paths of discovery with intent purpose, y'all! Late last year one of those paths lead to ArchAngel Barachiel.... And here's what I've come up with so far: Barachiel is associated with Blessings (Woo Hoo,) Abundance particularly Light Hearted Abundance (good one!), Uplifting your General Spirit, Helping when you feel faced with "The Impossible" (He sees the possibilities & Truth!!), Light Heartedness, Lasting Love & much more. AA Barachiel has been heavily associated with Roses, Rose Petals, Rose Oil & Essences for centuries, too. There's a sense of a desire to help us be Divinely Carefree, Gracefully Empowered yet Grounded in Our Reality so we can deal well with it (Love it & Thank You, AA Barachiel!!!!) As I'm typing this, I continue hearing the word "Showering..." Barachiel wants us to know he's Showering Abundance & General Good Will on all who want & accept it! (Remember to Accept It!!)
AA Barachiel also says, now, that he wants to "Raise Up Your Spirits in everyday life, right now this second & in an ongoing manner, always!" Call out his name in your mind or out loud with Intention to connect, ask for & receive all the Highest & Most Best Help from him to serve Your True Highest Good..... or something even better, such as a whole team of various Pure Light Help along with it, etc. etc. etc. etc!
Tell him what is troubling you, simply on your mind, have questions about or just say thanks for what he does in the world & thanks for all the Benevolence he wants to shower down upon you now & always!! It may take some time to sense Barachiel & his help more clearly, so be patient if necessary. Barachiel seems to be a "Softer Presence" to me.
I just this moment connected myself to see what would happen.... I sense, Intuitively hear "Truth," "Truth of Love," see lovely Pink Energies & had a vision of his presence around someone I care about, helping that person! (Heartfelt Thanks, Barachiel!!)
Cool Tip..... Proactively make connection with Pure Light Spirit Help by raising up your arm(s,) literally or in your mind..... (both arms as I often do, 1 arm or even just a gesture of your hand when in a pinch) .....then say or mentally send out the name. Imagine, feel even, Divine Lightning Bolts of Energy (Yep!) coming in & connecting with your hand(s), your whole being, cementing the Energetic Connection between Y'All! Fun stuff, right?!! This is something I stumbled upon & use frequently. Also, make note of anything else, such as how the connection looks in your mind's eye, what color energy it may be, what you sense within yourself, words or messages & anything else.... all of which will hold meaning for you :D