Life After Death Docufilm of Spirit & Science. Info & Links!

Angel Studios has now released the Documentary Movie After Death which showcases real deal Near Death Experiences. Blending Spirituality & Science, this film features cinematic story telling along with personally shared experiences & eye opening research. I've included videos / interviews, key information & links with ongoing updates for anyone interested! I'm grateful Heartfelt Spirituality is being honorably showcased mainstream!!
11/17/2023 Update: I noticed extra showing times / theaters have been added to my area, so definitely check your area if interested by clicking "After Death" link just below... Also, After Death is now streaming via the Angel App for Angel Guild Members... click "Page" link just below then click their white "Join to Watch" button & see options for $20/month or $175/year (saving $65.) Joining the Angel Guild also gets you 2 free tickets to all their movies going forward... The Shift comes out December 1st & looks like it will be fantastic... Not unusual for Angel Studios projects, this movie has its roots in Spirituality & the writer's triumph over personal loss & pain. The historical movie Cabrini is coming out in the spring & also looks like a real winner (based on a true story / real woman.) And... just today they released an intriguing teaser on a project I hadn't heard about yet, another historical true story / real man's tale of being a pacifist along with a plot to kill Hitler titled Bonhoeffer. Click & subscribe to Angel Studios on YouTube if interested... They are great about releasing live streams, trailers / updated trailers & helpful information. Angel Studios business intent is to "Amplify Light in The World" (Gotta Love It!) & I've been nothing but a fan since hearing about them approximately 6 months ago. It's so much fun to see what they are accomplishing & how they're doing it. Bravo!
11/13/2023 Update: Showings & Tickets are still available in my geographical area through the end of this week. To check on that for your area, buy tickets, link to Angel Studios & more click After Death.
Other key pages to explore are Angel Studios Blog Post & Page.
If Angel Studios does for this film what they did for movie Sound of Freedom, they'll likely release it for streaming within their app for Angel Guild members & more later on. It appears they're also working on a follow up project using publicly submitted accounts of Near Death Experiences. Should be interesting & well done... Thanks Angel Studios for what you do!
11/2/2023 Update: Live Stream including reviews & affects of After Death
10/31/2023 Update: I've now seen After Death & here are my thoughts! Very well done all the way around... From the high quality production & presentation to how it's organized & flows to the number of people representing different aspects of things... the personal accounts & the research / more medical & scientific side of things. I personally like how they wove it all together, piece by piece, & thought it was a captivating way to tell each story simultaneously as part of an epic tapestry, which it is. Before I saw this at the theater, I happened to run across a snippet of a Sunday morning religious show & paused because a Near Death Experience gentleman was telling his story & part of the group discussion. I believe that he had the experience (he's published a book & became a minister post experience,) but something fell flat in my gut about it all / him, even though the others in the group discussion seemed impressed... Not for me to judge, however I'm sharing my honest reaction with a point. In contrast, every person in this movie, in whatever capacity they were involved, rang so resoundingly sincere & authentic with me... Regarding their particular efforts in this realm, their experience, its effect... their Reverence & Spirituality of it. Per interviews I've watched, the Director, from whom this movie project got its seeds, was on a personal journey with this area of topics... Someone beloved was suddenly lost & the entire family began reading & sharing a great number of books amongst themselves on a quest of what really happens after...? Do we really exist beyond & what is it like? Couple all of this with the Angel Studios folks / good vibes & it's a winning combo for me!
Some high level themes I picked up on in the movie, whether intended or not, that I feel guided to share: Pure Love & Light is Open, Allowing, Accepting & Welcoming.... Ahhhhh, you can feel it just thinking about it! In contrast, things of Darkness / Lack of Love & Light are controlling, pushy & obviously harmful. I was also struck (yet, again) at the Wisdom of Divine Timing of things... to explain more would spoil the punch line to one person's story told. And, not surprisingly, a strong thread throughout is... there's a reason & purpose for these experiences. I think this piece of work beautifully showcases this & many more valuable things. I hope each of you get to experience this heartfelt project... And have your own perfect, personal take aways & messages. I received a string of important personal messages during the movie, not necessarily on topic, but key to me currently. I think that speaks to the Energies inherently woven into it & surrounding it. Divine!
10/24/2023 Red Carpet Candid Interviews & More Livestream
10/13/2023 Update: Here's a live stream interview & commentary below which included 4 people whose Near Death Experiences are featured in After Death. Plenty of interesting comments were made. Two themes I felt lead to highlight from it today... We are absolutely Spiritual Beings through & through plus Divine Love / God's Love is stunning in the best of ways! There's a new trailer at the end that's worth watching. They still have the BOGO (put 2 or more tickets in your cart with Code LIFEAFTER,) Pay It Forward & Claim a Free Ticket Offers available. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie even more, yet this livestream shares so much. After watching the playback last night, I found myself immediately falling asleep, sensing Pure Love & Pure Light Help working with me... This morning I felt my beloved grandmother's presence more clearly. Lovely!
Additional FYI Updates: I had also mentioned Angel Studios smash movie, Sound of Freedom in the original post... As of today, it will now be streaming for Angel Guild members only via the Angel Studios app (available in either app store) for viewing on your mobile device(s) or cast to your TV (which I was able to do darn near instantly.) They also had a livestream interview tonight that was mostly for the SOF movie & their Angel Guild, but also covered their movies Cabrini (based on a real woman / true story) & The Shift. You can replay that livestream here: SOF & Angel Guild
To note, Angel Studio's business mission is
literally "To Amplify Light" in the world!
I've watched the replay of their livestream with Angel Studios & the guys who produced the film plus watched the current trailer. It appears to be very well done & is being discussed as a Heartfelt project & a production that leaves people with Hope... plus with more "Heart Connection," I'm hearing Intuitively. One quote from the trailer is, "I felt alive... then I felt more alive..." which jumped out at me intuitively as such a great thing to conveyed.
In Theaters starting October 27th... extra special timing as it's THIN VEIL TIME! Tickets can be purchased starting now with a BOGO offer through September 24th with code LIFEAFTER. You can also PAY IT FORWARD for others, as well as, CLAIM A FREE TICKET if you need one... These are cool features that Angel Studios does, as well as, crowd funding & only distributing projects that are approved by "their people," The Angel Guild. 💚 Unique to this film, if you Pay It Forward $300 by September 18th, you get to name a Beloved On The Other Side to be listed in Tribute at the end of the movie.
Check on show times in your area & get tickets here: After Death
New to the scene Angel Studios concept of pre-selling tickets helps ensure theaters / theater chains know how many of us are interested in these movies of Real Value & Heart... giving real time encouragement for additional showing dates / theaters for more of us to benefit. That's what happened with their movie Sound of Freedom, which has EXPLODED (for good reasons) via these Divinely Guided methods of theirs... Bravo!!!