Reflection & Thanks 💚 Timeless Tips & Links

It's a beautiful time for reflection & giving thanks... taking a thoughtful pause before a new year & fresh energies commence. Embark on a year's review... moments marked, progress noted, conscious celebration & dreaming forward... Â
This is about the time I really start taking stock of the year's passing... the "good & the bad," the "what seemed to work" & "what didn't seem to work so well," what should I really celebrate & expand, what should I really leave behind, what should I no longer waste time on, what is Highest & Most Best for me to Focus On, etc. I'm constantly reviewing & refining things, yet, I take a little time to more formally view the year passed with some real thoughtfulness & hopefully more perspective. I may jot down notes here & there, saved somewhere, but I also commit to real contemplative quiet time to pull it all together & probably some meditation to see what comes through / comes up / comes together mentally, emotionally & Intuitively. I like to equip myself with the clarity that Spirit deems for embracing my new year.
Part of this process, I think, is to be grateful for all that's come to pass somehow, to find the gifts including the "backhanded" ones... it can shift the lived energies so much! A tip I've shared before is to pose the question, "What should I be Celebrating?" when something really hard / distressing etc. has come up. It's amazed me what insights I've received immediately, bringing some relief & setting up more perspective, Gratefulness & overall better energies... which can lift up pretty much everything in the moment & forward.
I've also learned along the way that the overarching numerological energies for a year start to shift out of the current year's vibe & into the next year's vibe in the last quarter or so. I read that once & began paying more attention. I really did feel it, the shifting, realizing how many year ends I had felt something a bit muddled without knowing why. It's another one of the natural cycles & rhythms that I intend to honor to my highest advantage. Right now we're shifting out of a numerological 7 year (2+0+2+3=7) into an 8 year (2+0+2+4=8.) I'm not a numerologist, however, everything is energy & I tend to generally pick up on vibes of things. Some of my thoughts... 7 can be very Spiritual, more "Inward," the word "Journey" keeps coming to mind Intuitively. "Pacing Oneself" is coming to mind, too. The 8 energies can be about Abundance, Manifestation, Spiritual Connection / "Above & Below," "Beautiful Flow" / "The Infinity of Things." I'm going to put more thought into it while I do my year end review, see what I think about 2023 additionally within this context. Then think about my shift forward into the new year's vibes, what I want / don't want / what my better opportunities might be to really go for, etc. Click for an article at that seems to be a good straightforward one regarding the year energies plus your personal year energies within the coming 8 year energies & how to easily figure that. I like to gather up this sort of information, as it comes to mind, to help frame up my thoughtful shift. When I looked at my personal year within 2024's 8 vibes in the referenced article, I immediately recognized why I had such an Intuitive push to do some of the things I've been lead to focus on lately. Extra confirmation is good!
You can jot down some notes yourself to take stock, reflect, be thankful... even be amazed at what you accomplished or managed to get through... don't wait till the tail end of the year or January, get a jump start now... having some extra time to thoughtfully process might be more positively impactful. Consider clearing out the old & no longer necessary, the completed, the "worn out," the "that was the best I could do then & I'm better equipped now" sorts of things. It's a good time to gracefully transition & make room for the fresh new cycle(s) coming. Having said that, if you're reading this later & didn't do your year end / pre new year assessments & reflection... Don't fret & trust that the timing is just right!
If we take enough time to grasp & honor what we just lived, we're more likely to move forward in a better way with our sights set higher & clearer.
I like to celebrate the simple & the profound Blessings that have come, plus let the "Higher Reflections" come to me. Then release all I should to make room in my life, mind & energies for the newest Journey ahead. At least I know I've done my part to be prepared. I also do a lot of "Releasing Everything to God & All Divine for My Highest Good & The Highest Good of All," then remind myself to "Stay Aligned, Stay Aligned, Stay Aligned."
Sometimes I sit with things in multiple bits of time to string together "the pearls" I need to be most aware of... I may even make a list of what I thought was great & not so great from the year & see if any patterns / particular thoughts / threads appear. Then, it sets me up well to more consciously Release, Honor & Focus on the Positives & Blessings.
A cool Prayer I learned decades ago, don't remember where this came from or I'd share it, is a version of the following Prayer: I give thanks for all the blessings of the day that have already come & I give thanks for all the blessings of the day that have yet to be revealed. Sometimes I change it up with week / month / year / my entire life instead of day... I think part of the perfection of the original prayer using the word & intention of day is to use the prayer daily. Not a bad Ritual of Gratitude & Faith to consider! It keeps things in the more "Mindful Present."
Heartfelt Intention & actively maintaining Gratefulness is a big part of what really matters, I think. In all things.
I had a cool Spiritual moment in nature recently & meaningful lyrical words were plopped into my head. I'm sharing an updated version here in case it helps anyone somehow: Sound of wind in the trees, a moment of Peace & Scattering Leaves... Things being removed or needing to leave... A time to release, a natural end... Flowing Thoughts can now come in... Be Free & Believe... The Good, The Better is Here or Soon Will Be...
I also had the following song repeatedly brought forward from the recesses of my mind around the same time... It's a bit Reflective, I think. Here it is in case it helps anyone somehow, too!
 ~ I Hope You Enjoy this Time of Opportunity for Yourself ~
This post is in Honor of all my Blessings... known & unknown, understood & not yet understood, already received & on their way.  Special Honor is given to horse Slipper... It was a privilege to be your person.Â
Born on Valentine's Day. A Gentleman with Massive Heart to The Very End.
Ongoing Love, Appreciation & Thanks. For Everything! You Are Missed...
Slip Down Cat a.k.a. Slipper 💚 2/14/2000 - 11/30/2023