Honoring Gifts of Horse Sunny. Partnership & Courage

~ A Horsey Spiritual Nugget ~
As THIN VEIL time is approaching, I'm honoring horse Sunny by honoring some of his gifts to me for me to continue on with...
True Partnership & Courage
This is the horse that started my NCHA Cutting Horse career in 2002. After carrying me along for a few months of training, he indicated to me Intuitively that he would absolutely give me his all in the show pen (competition) IF & ONLY IF I was willing to "Courageously Go All Out" myself to rise up to his level of effort. I told him I absolutely would, dug deep & went for it, then everything morphed into a "welded together" winning partnership... He was fearless & so gamey. He knew his job & that he was good at it. He wanted to do it for himself. He wanted to do it for me & with me. I had earned his Respect. It was an incredible gift of True Partnership. He knew who he was. He had high standards. He had a big personality & made me laugh with some of his antics. I Respect him resoundingly to this day & am blessed with the presence of his Spirit.
In honor of Thin Veil Time, it came to me to honor him & his gifts more consciously... To remember that they can be applied to other things, relationships & things to come. So... I intend this for myself. I'm listening, Sunny, if you have any more guidance to impart... thanks! It's also interesting to note that even his passing was an incredible experience for us both. Listen to Podcast Episode No. 2 Love Never Dies full episode or just Part 2 below about Animals.
Is there someone you want to honor at this time? If so, see what happens / see what "shows up" for you when you're ready & prepared!
Take notes, write "Your Honoring" on an index card & leave it out where you see it daily or note it another way to keep it on your mind. Meditate / "Sit With It," Spirit says. See what happens.
As I channeled & typed the part from Spirit, my overhead light amped up much brighter & is remaining brighter! This is literally & symbolically a "Light Bulb" moment, ha! It's also 11:44 p.m... I just happened to look. Meaning... Energies of Rising Up, Foundations, Connections, Manifesting Well & more, in this instance, per Spirit.
Life, at its best, is often about Honoring & Learning...
If this post has sparked something in you, then consider going for it.
That was Sunny's attitude!
Here's a 4 second clip of Sunny & I competing in January 2003.
Here's the full 2:30 minute version... Apologies for random conversation audible! The 1st cow we worked gave us zero chance to tag off without penalty, so we hung in there & worked it almost a full minute, extremely unusual... Most horses would have quit or not been able to do it. We marked a big score & went home with a check. It felt like we earned it!
💚 Thanks, Again, Sunny!! 💚
Sunny / Sunnys Pinoakio 5/5/1990-8/18/2010