Question & Reassurance + Intuition, Logic & The Divine

I was asked recently >> "Do you ever get on the phone with a client (for an appointment) and realize... you've got nothing, your mind is a blank, you have no messages or anything to share?!!" That might be a hoot yet pretty uncomfortable at the same time!! (Chuckle.)
First, I Want to Share this Comforting Reassurance >> YOU WILL NOT GET a MESSAGE UNLESS IT IS THE RIGHT TIMING for YOU TO HAVE IT. YEP! So, whatever the messages are or aren't, you can absolutely handle it, you were meant to hear it plus already have all the Divine Support, all the Inner Fortitude you need to absorb it, process it, run with it, etc. This includes super happy messages all the way down to the more difficult ones. There's a HIGHER REASON for EVERYTHING & THE TIMING OF IT. We can pitch a fit over it or give ourselves a moment to regroup, recalibrate, get up to speed mentally then get on with it.... while keeping a wondrous appreciation of what may seem to be mysterious orchestrations. Honestly, I've found that once we have enough Perspective & Understanding, we can see how stunningly Logical & Perfect the Higher Divine Workings of things are. Real deal Intuitive / Spirit Guidance makes perfect sense, once we do know enough to fully understand it, in my experience!! It's been mind-blowing & unbelievably cool to catch glimpses of how it all can work so intricately, sometimes with split second timing & decisions, to end up making so much sense & to "BE JUST RIGHT!" This is fun, fascinating stuff, Y'All!
Of course, we still need to be willing to do "our part" which can range from being super duper proactive down to being super duper patient (yep!!) in some ways.... Ideally, we should do our best to maintain good attitudes & "Energies" in the meantime so we're "energetically drawing in" & creating Best Case Scenarios for ourselves down the road while having the Best Experiences possible along the way, too.
And Here's the Answer to The Question >> NOT YET!! If we do our best to stay in sync with the Higher Vibrational Flow of Things, then the session should flow as it's meant to in all respects. And.... By the way, I will never give "fake messages" to fill time, to just tell a client what he/she wants to hear, to make myself appear better somehow or for any other reason. Period. I do the work I'm meant to do, I operate fully within my Integrity, I do it diligently. I think it's really fun, yet serious work carrying great responsibility. So, I treat it as a Sacred Undertaking to truly help others in all the unique ways that I'm guided to.
And back to the original answer... I tend to schedule appointments Intuitively... meaning I tend to get a sense for what feels right all around when setting appointments. This helps keep everything in the best flow, best energies & in sync with the Divine Workings of things. Occasionally, an appointment may need to be shifted for some reason which, as things do, offers an inherent opportunity of some sort for all involved. Once in a Blue Moon, I'll get the feeling to cancel completely with a client or to not take on a client at all & I know that serves its purpose, too. The bottom line is I shoot for it to be ideal for the client, for the work that needs to be done, the most optimal timing for it & The Highest Good of All as I am meant to serve it!
Thanks for Stopping By! ~SA~
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My "Over The Moon Happy Assurances" grant a Pronto Fix regarding any purchase if needed!! ~SA~

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